Info & Guidelines
Art Specifications
Please review these specifications carefully. All files must meet the minimum requirements and be completely finalized. If a file fails to meet one or more requirements we will make every effort to contact you to correct the problem. If you cannot be reached we assume no responsibility for any subsequent delays, as your job may be rescheduled for a later production.
 ! Common File Problems
some tips for avoiding delays and/or extra charges
  • All fonts in your document should be outlined (this is to avoid problems with defaulting fonts, especially unique/free fonts), and final artwork should be flattened.

    1. Illustrator: once your artwork is complete, select all type in your document, and
      go to menu item "Type > Create Outlines". Save this file as an EPS document
      (in Illustrator CS use the "File > Export..." option).

      Photoshop: once your artwork is complete, got to menu item "File > Save as...
      Make sure you uncheck "Layers" and select the document type to be "TIFF". Save your files(s).

  • All files must be submitted in the CMYK colour space (for the front) and
    Grayscale (for the back)

    1. Illustrator: once your artwork is complete, select all objects (cmd-A on MAC: ctrl-A on PC) and go to menu item "Filters > Coulours > Convert to CMYK" (for the front)
      "Filters > Colour > Convert to Grayscale" (for the back). Once complete, re-save your file(s).

      Photoshop: once your artwork is complete, and you have flattened the file as mentioned above, got to menu item "Image >Mode > CMYK" (for the front), or "Image >Mode > Grayscale" (for the back). Once complete, re-save your file(s).


300 DPI


Photoshop, Illustrator,

File Formats



You may provide a proof
for us to compare with.


Fonts must be supplied
as outlines (in EPS)


Front: CMYK

Back: Grayscale/B&W
(depending on run)
Digital Submissions
When submitting your files digitally, use our web upload facility (click here to access). Should you encounter any problems uploading from this site, you can email files to In either case, please be sure you observe the file-naming requirements listed below.
Filenames: [comany name]_front.[extension]
[comany name]_back.[extension]
Example: acmemoving front.pdf
acmemoving back.pdf
Trim & Bleeds

Proofs Pic
All files submitted for printing are considered final. However years of printing experience caution us that even the most thorough of proofing processes can leave minor errors undetected. Hence we have built in one more opportunity to check things over and avert costly re-prints, missed deadlines, or handing out botched material.
Each file submitted is converted to a PDF ducument, placed onto a proof sheet and emailed to each client for final approval.
We prefer emailing proofs as this is a faster process, however if you do not have access to an email address we can also fax you the document. This service is free of charge and will be done for every order you submit. However, should an error be detected and further adjustments are required, a $25 charge will apply.